When Koutsunis and I were dating I lived in Savannah, GA and he lived in Beaufort, SC. We used to meet half way in Bluffton, SC for dinner dates and sometimes we would go out with our dear friends the Martins. They were such a fun couple and we miss them. They had twin girls and then moved to Columbia, SC. Then about a year ago they had another little girl. I always called their twins “the strawberries” and now they have three strawberries! I got to do a session last time I was in the ‘boro because they happen to be in town. Jenny Martin (that’s right she is a Jenny too) is a super mom and has mastered finding all kinds of ways to save money at lots of southern stores such as Kroger, Publix, CVS, and Walgreens. You have to check out her blog before you go shopping again! Her website is http://www.southernsavers.com/
O.k. so onto the photos!
Here is the baby. It’s her one year portrait.
Those little teeth are soo cute!
Baby M’s middle name is Rose so I especially like this one.
Walking with mama’s finger in hand.
These are my favorites from the session!
She really loved that leaf!
I love this one.
Meet the strawberries. Miss E. & Miss K.
I remember going over to the Martin’s after they came home from the hospital and holding them. They were premies and sooo tiny!
They are such sweet little girls!The three girls!
Can you tell the girls apart?
Thanks Martin’s for getting in touch with me! I had a blast spending some time with you and the girls!
Jenny Evelyn
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