I met Ann and Ralph a while back when I was photographing their niece Lesley’s engagement. They were so kind to let us photograph in the beautiful back yard. This year Ann and Ralph celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, and they wanted to commemorate the event with some pictures. I was so excited when they called me for the session. It is such a special way to celebrate a lifetime of love. You may recognize this beautiful creek from Lesley & Gus’ engagement pictures. Here is a little of their story; they met on the campus of Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, where Ann was a student and Ralph was her political science professor. Ralph asked her out after she was out of his class, and a few short months later they were married. It was such a privilege to photograph a couple that is so committed!
So sweet!
Beautiful fall color!
This creek is right out their back door. What a beautiful place to enjoy retirement!
I love these!
Their land is so beautiful!
I can see myself having tea and coffee on that screened in porch every morning!
Ann &…
Of course, I couldn’t forget about Mia. She is Ann and Ralph’s adorable dog. Mia is the queen of this house, and so we had to get a few shots with her! What a great family portrait!
A lot has changed in 40 years, but these two are still in love. Love it! Such a classic wedding pic!
Thanks, Ann and Ralph for sharing your story with me. I really enjoyed spending time with all of you!
Jenny Evelyn
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