I am so excited for Ashley and Josh’s wedding this fall. I’m sure you remember Ivy, one of my adorable brides from last year. Ashley was Ivy’s MOH. It is the best when I get to know a bridesmaid and then have the pleasure of getting shoot her wedding. Ashley and Josh met at Mellow Mushroom, and they have had a whirlwind romance….now they are getting hitched this fall! Aren’t they an adorable couple?Amid the blue hydrangeas!
Ashley is such a girly girl…. Love her matching pink shoes.
This shot was for Josh.
Ashley is going to be a beautiful bride!Love these!
How gorgeous is Ashley’s ring?!? Great job, Josh!!
Ashley and Josh wanted to get a few pics outside their future home with their sweet dogs, Lola and Millie.
Their pups are so sweet. Ashley gave Millie to Josh for Christmas this past year.
Sweet kisses in the sunshine!
I love this tree in their backyard… I told Josh that he needs to carve their initials in the tree.
Ashley and Josh – I can’ t wait for the wedding! Y’all are such a sweet couple! To see all of Ashley and Josh’s engagement pics, click ****HERE****!
Jenny Evelyn
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