It was such an honor to photograph Christan and Blake’s wedding down in Statesboro, GA. I can literally say that I have known Christan since she was born…our families have been friends for years. It was such a blessing to be part of her day, and see two people who love the Lord come together in marriage. This day was really about love and family. The ceremony was at Trinity Presbyterian Church. As some of you know, I am a PK & grew up in this church. It is always really cool to photograph a wedding that my daddy ordinates. Trinity is also very special to Christan’s family because her parents came to Christ though the church when they were in college. As you can tell their family is special to me personally, and I was so glad to be part of it. So on to the preview. . .
I love this shot of Christan’s dress in the pine trees.
Some of the bridal details!
The rings
Christan’s mom helped her get ready.
Christan and her ladies. I love how beautiful the cotton looks when it’s in bloom!
Christan was a beautiful bride!
I couldn’t decide which one I liked better…color or back and white!
We were blessed with a perfect blue sky!
I had to post this one of Mr. John & Mrs. Louise…Christan’s sweet parents.
Gorgeous! What else can I say?
Her eyes are so gorgeous!!!!!
I loved how this one turned out….so dreamy.
The girls had the cutest shoes.
Christan had a yellow ribbon in honor of her brother Morgan who missed the wedding because he was at basic training.
Blake and his groomsmen were looking handsome.Blake smiled all day long!
Monkeys on the monkey bars.
Even though we had a beautiful blue sky before the ceremony, the rain started to pour during the ceremony. I caught a shot of it out the window in the front of the sanctuary. The church was decorated beautifully with ferns and hydrangeas by a family friend.Down the aisle.
Blake, catching his first glimpse of his stunning bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy
I just had to get a few romantics in the cotton field!
Blake, checking out his gorgeous wife!
I just love this series… there are a few more I already posted that were in with the first look.
The reception was held in another place that is special to Christan’s family : their backyard! I loved the thumbprint tree that was signed with guest thumbprints and sweet messages instead of a guest book. Also Blake had to represent with his groom’s cake….Woo GSP!
First DanceLove this one!
Dancing with Daddy…so sweet!
Blake took a break from dancing with his bride to dance with his first love, his mom! What a sweet moment! Tear.
Loved Christan’s cake. It was so elegant!
Blake is a GA State Trooper, so his groom’s cake was a trooper uniform. So cute!
Christan and Blake served the perfect food for this backyard reception: Low County Boil. . . . Delish! It was all prepared by a few family friends, headed up by Mr. Keith Kibler.
Since the reception was at Christan’s house, we had to get a few shots of Blake pushing her on her old tire swing. Adorable!
So cute!
Love this beautiful blue twilight sky!
A few more sweet kisses!
The DJ, kept everyone dancing! I had no clue that Blake was such an awesome dancer, or that he knew the whole choreographed Thriller dance by Michael Jackson!
Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day, Christan and Blake. Can’t wait to show you more!
Jenny Evelyn
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