
Classic Southern Elegance: Lesley & Gus

September 29, 2010 |

I am so excited to share this wedding with you!  Many of you(my clients out there reading) know my amazing office manager and friend Lori.  Well, Lesley is her little sis! Lesley was a beautiful bride and I loved spending time with her friends and family…esp Lori!  I am so glad that she got to see behind the scenes at one of my weddings.   I also got to work with some of my most favorite local vendors!  It was an amazing wedding filled with simple southern elegance.  Now onto the post!  First the ladies went for some pampering at Signature Salon.  Nichole Mitchell did a fabulous job on the ladies’ hair and makeup!  This first shot was even featured in Signature’s ad in the September issue of Macon Food and Culture Magazine0892-080710-les-gus-2

Nichole is not only amazing at hair, but also makeup!


Look at all those Signature Dos.


Gus’ last name is McCormick, so the bridesmaids tied strings of McCormick spices to the back of the getaway car.  Notice anything about the c in McCormick, Gus??


The wedding took place at the beautiful First Presbyterian Church in Macon.  b_00041

Family and tradition are really important to Lesley. So, she wore her grandmother’s earrings and necklace.  The garter she wore was made by her grandmother before she passed away using lace that her other grandmother had saved over the years.  There was also a good luck charm attached that her grandmother sent her grandfather while he was fighting in WWII and a special sixpence for luck.  Her sister, Lori, wore the same garter when she got married.  Lesley really had the “Something Old” covered!  It’s funny I feel like I really got the play by play from the planning process with this wedding from Lori.  I know she spent hours and hours looking for the perfect brooch for Lesley’s dress.  I love the one they found!


Lori’s hair is usually super curly and I have never thought she and Lesley looked so much a like until the wedding day.  They are such beautiful sisters!


Lesley’s throw away garter was a little something special for Gus.  Since he loves hunting, the garter was camo with a deer head on it!b_00091

Allison Lucas did the fabulous flowers!!  We all especially loved the wreath that hung from the organ!  b_00101

What a cute group of gals!


I loved the necklace and earrings Lesley gave her bridesmaids.  They were hand made by Melissa Zipperer of Strings Attached in Savannah, GA.


Lesley was such an elegant bride. b_00171b_00181b_00191b_00201b_00211b_00221

We had a lot of fun with this gorgeous veil.  Just love the lace trim!b_00231b_00241b_00251b_002611398-080710-les-gus1528-080710-les-gus-edit1615-080710-les-gusb_00271

Love this one!!b_00281

She has the prettiest blue eyes!


Gus was so handsome on his wedding day!b_00311b_00321b_00331

Gus’ dad, Pa, was always ready to have his picture taken!b_00341b_00351

I don’t know why, but this was one of my fav shots!  I think it’s because they look like little boys all sitting on a wall.


Pa took a moment to shake Gus’ hand and give him a little pre-wedding advice!b_00381

Lesley and Gus didn’t see each other before the ceremony, but they did exchange a little note.  Right before the ceremony, Lesley’s dad gathered the ladies for a prayer.  b_00391

The ceremony music was beautiful.  Lesley’s cousin, Calista Anne Waddy played the harp.  b_00401Gus’s niece and nephew were the adorable flower girl and ring bearer.  b_00411b_00421

His bride took his breath away!  And… is that Gus getting some thing out of his eye?b_00431b_00441b_00451

The vowsb_00461

Lori got a little teared up… sweetness!


Kissing the brideb_00481b_00491

Mr. and Mrs. Gus McCormickb_00521b_005112817-080710-les-gus

I don’t normally post family portraits, but Gus and Lesley’s families were so fun and crazy that I just had to put a few of the silly ones.  Gus has three brothers and they are always cracking each other up.  Lesley’s brothers and sister kept each other laughing too with an imitation of Lesley as a kid. . . apparently she never smiled for a picture until she was 12.  You’ve come a long way, Lesley!  Also, don’t you love this one of Gus with his niece and nephew, Emma and Hagan?  Hagan thought it was nap time in the center aisle!  b_00501

And I just had to post one of little Mack.  You may remember Mack, Lesley’s nephew, from his baby pictures posted HERE. b_00531

Wedding Party!


Love those pockets!!2836-080710-les-gus2840-080710-les-gusb_00571b_00581b_00591b_00601b_00611

Lesley and Gus both really like sweets!  So Lisa Shepley of Lisa Mae Cakes made a beautiful lace cake, and each layer was a different flavor.  Gus’s hunting themed cake was a fantastic German chocolate cake.  And they also had a candy bar full of their favorite chocolate candies.  They continued honoring their families by placing pictures of the couples’ parents and grandparents on the table with the guest book.  It is awesome to see a couple whose parents and grandparents stayed married and in love for a lifetime!  What an amazing legacy of love! b_00621

First Dance. Lesley and Gus asked their wedding party to join them for their first dance.b_00631b_00641

The lace on Lesley’s cake matched the lace on her beautiful veil….oh and it had a brooch similar to the one on Lesley’s dress too! b_00651b_00661

While Gus was sharing the first bite of cake with Lesley, he accidentally dropped some down her dress.  Oops!!  I have to thank my hubby/second shooter, Koutsunis for snagging that shot. b_00671

Gus loves duck hunting, so this cake was perfect for him. . . and it was delicious!!2993-080710-les-gus

These girls have all been friends since 7th grade.  And even though they live all over the world now, they’re still best buddies!b_00691

The Hollywood Band kept the crowd dancing!  Even the kids got in on the action.b_00701

Lesley’s grandfather, Pop, got to share a dance with his special ladies – his daughters and granddaughters.b_00711b_00721

I even caught a shot of Lesley’s parents dancing! So sweet!b_00731

When it was time to leave, Daddy had to get one last hug.b_00741

The bride and groom snuck in one more kiss before they headed off for the honeymoon.b_00751Pop was the chauffeur for the evening.  He has 26 grandchildren, and has chauffeured almost all of them on their wedding days.  He even has a special hat.  Now if that is not the most adorable family tradition, I don’t know what is.


Gus’s brothers had one last surprise before the happy couple headed off.  They tackled him and stuffed his clothes full of rose petals! b_00781

Could have been a lot worse Gus.

Thanks so much Lesley and Gus for having me as part of your wedding day.  It was truly a blessing to get to spend such a happy day celebrating with your friends and family!

Jenny Evelyn

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