Lindsay & Mikell ( Part 1)
Lindsay and Mikell, what can I say? You two were so fun to photograph! We went some unconventional places around Macon for their engagement shoot! They are such a crazy and in love couple that they were up for anything! I have been having some updates on my computer and actually technically many new part put into my computer! My hubbs (Koutsunis thats Cu-soon-is) is a computer engineer so he has been working overtime at home to get me up and running again. Anyway, I have a ton of awesome photos that I cannot wait to share, but I promised Lindsay I would post some tonight so here is Part 1. Don’t worry Part 2 will be posted a.s.a.p. I just wanted to get some up for now! Enjoy!
We caught a lot of awesome sunshineyness!

One of my favs…they both have gorgeous eyes!

getting some sugar!

You work that BIG smile Mikell! (Mikell’s glasses)

Can you guess where we found this? Wish we could shoot this on their wedding day…I need to insert and ALMOST 🙂

That sun again!

Ok that’s all for now… stay tuned!
Jenny Evelyn
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