hi im jenny and i like the photography, i also like my dog kinsey who i call
the kinsers. I like to take pictures of my dog named kinsey. I would also like to take
pictures of you and if you have a dog I can take pictures of your dog too. My husband is
so cool he has curly hair but it is sometimes poofy. He is the coolest person I know and
his name is the babers. I like to take pictures of him too and if you have a babers then I’ll
take pictures of your babers. I have liked art ever since I fingerpainted in 5k which means
kindergarten. people sometimes don’t believe the things I say because I’m blonde but
i think those people are just stupid because i’m so cute! I hope you decide to let me
take your picture because I really like pictures. Also my pictures look like art and I have liked
art since k5.
p.s k5 means kindergarten.)