I got to spend an afternoon with Matt and Michele and their sweet dog, Roxanne, in Atlanta and we had a blast! We started their session in the gardens and then picked up Roxy for some play time in the park. They are such a sweet couple. They met and fell in love at Mercer, and just recently Matt got a new job and they moved to Atlanta. We decided to shoot at Piedmont Park because it is literally in their backyard! Just last week Atlanta was blasted with a snow storm and I even saw them playing in the snow in Piedmont Park on tv during “Snowpocalipse 2011.” Haha! Funny how different the park looks after a few short months! There was still a little bit of beautiful fall color left on the trees.
Walking through the tree tops was lovely.
Aren’t they a cute couple!
I love that Matt and Michele are so easy-going and ready to just cut loose and be silly…. I can’t wait to see what their wedding day brings!
All of the sculptures were so fun…Check out how the frog on the left magically turned into a prince when Michele kissed him. Playtime with Roxanne! My dog, Kensie, would be jealous of Roxy’s backyard. This park is amazing!
I just love this one!
Roxanne almost bolted me over when she reached me.
We even caught a little glimpse of the Atlanta skyline in the background.
Thanks, Matt and Michele for sharing your “backyard” with me. I had so much fun with both of you (and of course Roxy). I can’t wait for the big day!
To see all Matt and Michele’s engagement photos click ***HERE***
Jenny Evelyn
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