Susan and Travis are the sweetest couple! They are super sentimental, so I knew this wedding was going to be filled with unique details that make a wedding day special. They picked one of my favorite venues, Pineola Farms, and I was excited to get to shoot there again! So onto their wedding preview!
Susan’s beautiful bridal details. I loved Susan’s gorgeous Casablanca gown. Her shoes were Kate Spade’s that were totally worth sore feet…they were also her something borrowed!
The awesome truck that Susan and Travis used as their getaway car
Nichole Mitchell of Signature Salon did such a beautiful job with Susan’s hair.
Susan was so excited to see the lovely flowers. Delise Knight, of Pineola Farms, did a beautiful job! There was also a little surprise ….. Travis’ mom gave Susan his baby ring….so sweet.
I loved their ring pillow they found on etsy!
Beautiful bling.
Her mom and sis helped her into her dress.
Susan and Travis shared a sweet moment before the ceremony. They were both overwhelmed when they saw each other for the first time! I love that moment!
The adorable couple
They also took a moment to exchange gifts (and shed a few tears). Travis got Susan a beautiful pair of earrings and a matching ring, and Susan got Travis a very nice watch.
Beautiful bride
I just love this shot!
The handsome groom
Travis is a very sentimental guy, and he wanted to carry some special tokens with him on the most important day of his life. The coins and tokens were gifts from his parents that remind him of the kind of man they raised him to be. The medallion with the tree was part of a gift from Susan, and the kernel of corn is one of their inside jokes. The pocket watch and hankie belonged to his paternal grandparents, and the key ring and ring belonged to his maternal grandparents. I love that he carries a little token from all the important people in his life, and according to Travis, the best thing he gets to carry around with him is Susan’s love. What could be sweeter than that??
A few sweet kisses
We borrowed a beautiful antique chair from the house… they even delivered it into the orchard for us to shoot with!
Delise did a great job with these bright bridesmaid’s bouquets! And who wouldn’t love Travis’ cotton boll boutonniere and adorable tie??
This little cutie is Susan’s nephew, Tripp
Travis with the gals.
Susan with the groomsdudes…. as I call them.
Can’t get enough of this cool truck!!
A few more bridals. . . how adorable is Susan??
Couldn’t resist this beautiful sky!!
I love that they rang a bell in honor of their loved ones that have passed.
Love these sweet girls!
Susan’s daddy walked her down the aisle to meet her groom
I love the way Susan’s veil is billowing in the breeze!
Kiss the bride!
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Garnto
And a few more with the truck!
I loved Susan and Travis’s favor – an ice cold bottle of Coke with peanuts in a cute little burlap sack, Adorable!! They also had custom chocolate lollies that had one of their engagement photos printed on it.
I love the custom stamp that the couple actually sewed onto each individual bag… now that is a personal touch.
All the delicious food was prepared by Kelly Hamsley of Katerings by Kelly.
Kelly even made the lovely cake! Yum!!
Susan and Travis even had a milk and cookies bar, complete with old school glass milk bottles and stripey straws.
After running through the sea of sparklers to their awesome getaway truck, Susan and Travis headed off for the honeymoon. . ..
But not before we had a little fun with the sparklers!!
Susan + Travis = True Love
What could be sweeter than that??Susan and Travis – Thanks for sharing this sweet day with me! I had such fun celebrating your love!
Jenny Evelyn
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